Some types of oak trees are more allergenic than others.
The oak tree is a common tree in the United States. It’s also the official state tree of California and Georgia, two states where it has its own unique characteristics. There are many types of oak trees, but some seem more allergenic than others.
Red Oak: Red oaks are known for their distinctive red bark which can be easily removed by rubbing it with your thumb nail against a hard surface like wood or metal until all that remains is a thin layer of skin (called "cork"). If you have sensitive skin or allergies this could cause problems for you so it's best to avoid touching red oaks whenever possible!
White Oak: White oaks tend to produce more pollen than other kinds because they grow very close together while still producing plenty enough seeds themselves as well as acorns so when these two things combine together there will definitely be some dusting involved if someone happens upon them during their travels around town where these types live!